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Artist : Kandara

The initial line-up of Kandara in the early 90s had keyboardist Buddha Raj Bajracharya, guitarists Sunil Bhattachan and Bijaya Gurung, and vocalist Ananda Tajhya with Deepak Raj Mulmi as manager. After the massive success of their album Chanchale Kanchi, Kandara merged with a young group called Peace Hankey. Vocalist Bivek Shrestha, lead guitarist Omar Gurung and drummer Sunil Thapa joined the bandwagon. A lot of reshuffling later, Kandara as we know today was made: up of Bivek, Omar, Sunil, Buddha and Sadeep Tulachan (bass).
Kandara's musical influences range from ballads, rock 'n roll, and jazz to contemporary Hindi film soundtracks. Sunil is the band's creative force and he thrives on the ideas and talent of his band-mates and they know that they've got a good thing going. As Sadeep says, "We are lucky to have someone as gifted as Sunil in our band. He knows exactly what kind of music suits any given lyrics."

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